Cortesía de la página WEB :
1. They are very important to describe all the exercises we do in class:
To stand: estar de pie (to stand up:levantarse)
To sit: sentarse
To lie: echarse
To walk: caminar
To run: correr
To sprint: correr rápido
To slow down: ir más despacio
To hurry up: darse prisa
To chase: perseguir
To follow: seguir
To tilt: inclinar
To turn: girar
To bend: doblar
To pass: pasar
To receive: recibir
To throw: lanzar
To carry (or to transport): transportar
To steal: robar (stealing tails game)
To push: empujar
To pull: tirar (de una cosa)
To form a line: formar una fila o línea
To form a semi-circle: un semicírculo
To form pairs: hacer parejas
To form groups of three/four... : hacer grupos de tres o cuatro
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